Meet Sharon G.

International Student Engagement Intern

Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta

Summer 2020 (12 month term)

"While I’ve been very fortunate to have found a job during these tough times, this new climate hasn’t been without its challenges. Having to differentiate between work and home has been a big adjustment for me. I share a small house with three of my friends so the only space that is my own is my bedroom. My desk serves as my work desk, makeup desk, and (when I’m craving some alone time) my dinner and Netflix table.

Working from home really tests my self-control and motivation as well. As I’m not  surrounded by co-workers to help keep me accountable and since I have to set my own deadlines, I am entirely responsible for myself. Thankfully, I’ve been developing lots of skills that help. For example, I have three different calendars (1 virtual, 2 physical) containing various tasks, meetings, and deadlines to help with my time management and planning.

I’m now about one month into my year-long work term. In a short amount of time I’ve met so many amazing people, learned so much about my position and the inner workings of the university, and my own development has grown exponentially. While having to work from home is less than ideal for me, I’m definitely leaving my work term with a whole new set of skills." 

Sharon Gong is a Psychology Major working as the International Student Engagement Intern for the Faculty of Arts this year.