Meet Moira P.

Psychology Intern

Step Up, Step Down

Summer 2023 (12 month term)

"I can't begin to describe what an amazing experience I have had during my Arts Work Experience term at Step Up Step Down. As a Psychology Intern I have had the opportunity to develop and facilitate psychoeducational groups and teach adolescents ages 13-17 a variety of Cognitive BehaviourTherapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and emotional regulation skills. I also administer and score psychological assessments, observe individual, family and group therapy as well as support youth as they develop skills to improve their mental health. Arts Work Experience has provided me with the opportunity to gain invaluable practical experience that will aid me in my goal of becoming a registered psychologist."

Moira is in her third year of her Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Psychology and minoring in MoirSociology. Moira is currently a Psychology Intern at Step Up Step Down.Â