Meet Lucille L.

Associate Probation Officer
Public Safety and Emergency Services, Government of Alberta

Summer 2022 (16 months)

“I consider myself very lucky to secure an AWE work term as an Associate Probation Officer with the Government of Alberta. My ambitions are oriented toward psychotherapy work, and the roles in my internship match those of my career goals: clientele work, independent time management, case conferencing, collaborating with stakeholders and even administering the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy! Probation Officers are unique from counselors because we must respond to client needs as well as monitor compliance with a client's Court Order.

My time as a probation officer has included countless lessons and the one that I want to carry with me for the rest of my career life is to '”choose empathy before sympathy". I believe that people need a non-judgmental listener and objective insights with a touch of human connection for them to be open to change. I have a long way to go before mastering motivational interviewing, but there is no better place for me to start than where I am right now. 

I would like to thank my supervisor, manager and coworkers for my progress in my professional career. I would also like to thank the AWE team for this amazing opportunity and my family for my well being.”

Lucille is studying Psychology through the UofA's Arts Honors Program. Her research project is focused on psycholinguistics: cross linguistic influence. Lucille enjoys reading, fine art, and some coffee.