Meet Katherine A.

Undergraduate Psychology Intern

Millard Health

Fall 2019 (12 month term)

“My anxiety around the whole situation has been very high. I can’t stand uncertainty at the best of times, and the fact that everyone on this planet is going through the same thing is both comforting and terrifying. Working from home has definitely helped - it’s nice to work in a familiar, comfortable environment that I know is safe. ⠀

That being said, the transition hasn’t been without stress itself. Because so much of my job involved working with clients face-to-face, most of my daily tasks are now gone and it took a while for me to get used to doing other work-related things that don’t involve clients. So instead, I’ve been working lots on my research project, as well as developing new materials to integrate into client programs once things return to normal. Now, I’m starting to like it - I mean, it’s awesome being able to work in leggings and slippers! ⠀

My advice for everyone when dealing with this stressful time is to keep a routine (but be flexible at the same time), find ways to stay active, and make sure you’re connecting with family and friends in more ways than just texting and Snapchatting. Oh, and Animal Crossing - lots and lots of Animal Crossing.”⠀

Katherine is an intern at the Millard Health Centre where she is completing a 12 month work term.