Meet Jenae G.

Psychology Intern (Research Assistant)

School of Public Health, University of Alberta

Fall 2021 (8 month term)

"I am privileged to be working as a Psychology Intern at Boyle Street Education Centre (BSEC). I am now more than halfway through my 12-month work term and it has been an enriching experience so far. BSEC is committed to offering an inclusive and accessible educational space, and it has been incredibly rewarding knowing that I am contributing to a safe environment that promotes education, healing and self-growth in our young people every time I walk through the front doors. My responsibilities as an intern include conducting intake interviews, scoring assessments, preparing psychological reports and letters, and supporting the Student Services team while building rapport with students. 

The most challenging part of my work experience was experiencing imposter syndrome. Admittedly, I have made some mistakes. I was a new addition to a team of amazing professionals who have many years of experience. Although I was working in a position that was directly related to my field of study, I felt like I was out of my element and wondered if I was a fraud. I doubted if I was capable of completing my work satisfactorily. I was able to overcome this by separating fact from feelings. I reminded myself of the accomplishments I've achieved so far, and how much I can and will accomplish in the future. I remind myself that I deserve to be here — that I have fairly earned my position due to my own abilities and that I am equipped with the skills necessary to effectively perform any task.

I hope to grow my self-confidence and knowledge going forward. I am excited for the new challenges ahead and I feel confident knowing that the skills I develop during my AWE work term will be transferable to my future career path."

Soph is in her fifth year of a Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in Psychology and Anthropology. She is passionate about being an educator as well as empowering and amplifying the voices of minority groups.