Meet Jashan M.

Undergraduate Psychology Intern

Millard Health
Fall 2021 (8 month term)

“My co-op experience with Millard Health Workers’ Compensation Board is well aligned with my career goals involving holistic health care. I work with a multidisciplinary team that treats clients with physical and mental health concerns.

From what I have learnt so far as an international student in the Canadian work environment, I would encourage everyone to not miss opportunities of networking. Since it's a different culture, the experience can be nerve-wracking at first. But know your strengths and play by them. Even though there are some disadvantages of being an international student, always remember that you bring something unique to the table. 

The most challenging part of my work experience was to manage compassion fatigue. I wish more people knew about it. It means “the cost of caring for others or for their emotional pain, resulting from the desire to help relieve the suffering of others. It is also known as vicarious or secondary trauma, referencing the way that other people's trauma can become their own.” It is very important to practice self-care that works for you (whatever that looks like). Do not shy away from taking breaks. Most importantly, do not feel guilty for not feeling empathetic all the time."

Jashan is in her fourth year of studies in honors psychology. She volunteers at the Edmonton Distress Line and International Students Association at U of A. In the future, she hopes to conduct research in the field of neuropsychology.