Meet Hanyao H.

Overseas Marketing Executive 

HD Education

Winter 2023 ( 8 Months)

“I feel incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to work as an Overseas Marketing Executive at HD Education during my AWE work term. As someone who is passionate about digital marketing, this role has allowed me to hone my skills in content creation, social media planning, and user research. Additionally, being able to work with a company that specializes in education has been both meaningful and rewarding, as it aligns with my interest in helping others succeed.

Of course, there have been challenges along the way, such as balancing the demands of content creation with other responsibilities like meetings and reporting. One of the most challenging aspects of my work experience has been managing the time difference between China and Canada. Since the majority of our target audience is in China, we have to coordinate with colleagues there during working hours, which often falls outside of regular working hours in Canada. However, I have found that by trying to be organized and efficient with my time, I have been able to meet and exceed the expectations set for me. For example, I have had to adjust my working schedule and prioritize tasks that require collaboration with our colleagues in China, which has helped me to improve my time management skills and flexibility in adapting to different work environments.

Overall, I am grateful for this experience and look forward to applying the skills and knowledge I have gained in my future career endeavors.”

Hanyao is in her fourth-year of a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in psychology and a minor in film studies. She also volunteers for non-profit organizations Hope Mission and CCM Canada. In her free time, Hanyao likes exploring Edmonton’s food scene, photography, listening to music and doing puzzles.