Meet Fenya F.

Ombuds Intern

Office of the Student Ombuds

Summer 2019 (12 month term)

"Since everyone in my family is home right now, the best place for me to get my work done is in my bedroom. My room is small and I still want it to be a place where I can relax after my work is done, so I set up a "privacy curtain" to separate my work space and the rest of my room. This has also been helpful since a large part of my job is meeting with students, which I am now doing online. My curtain is not the most stable structure (it is an old bed sheet held up by thumb tacks!) but it helps me maintain privacy with my students and helps make the rest of my home still feel like home.”⠀

Fenya is finishing her work term as an Ombuds Intern with at the University of Alberta.