Meet Ethan A.

Undergraduate Psychology Intern
Millard Health 

Summer 2022 (12 months)

“One of the most important things I've learned about my work term as an Undergraduate Psychology Intern at Millard Health, is what it actually means to be a Psychologist. Entering my work term, I was naive; however, after a few months, I was pleasantly surprised with the amount I had learned about what it takes. The purpose of my work term is to gain relevant experience in the field of psychology, and I cannot begin to express how much I have learned and experienced over the past 9 months. With the wealth of opportunities for skill development available at Millard Health, I have noticed a significant improvement in my communication, written, interpersonal, and organizational skills.

The connections I have made with others in my field of interest are invaluable. I have no doubt the relationships I have built at Millard Health will carry well past the end of my work term. I would advise new AWE students entering a position like mine to network. You work alongside professionals in the field you want to pursue, so don't be afraid to ask questions and build those connections. I have met so many fantastic people throughout my work term and I will forever be grateful for the knowledge they have passed down to me.

I have no hesitation in recommending the AWE Program and this internship. I have learned so many practical skills and valuable lessons that I wouldn't have learned in the classroom. So, if you are interested at all, I would 100% recommend applying to AWE! You won't regret it.”

Ethan is a fourth year Honors psychology student. In the future, Ethan hopes to enter a graduate degree in Clinical Psychology, where he can receive training in Psychological Assessment. In his free time, Ethan enjoys spending time with his family (which includes 17 animals on his farm), playing sports and traveling.