Meet Emily Y.

Internship Assistant 

Zone Performance Psychology

Fall 2020 (12 month term)

"I am nearing the end of my first semester in my AWE position and I have been enjoying it so much! My position allows me to build relationships through working one-on-one with clients and applying the technical skills I would otherwise just hear about in lecture or read about in textbooks. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to gain experience outside of the classroom before completing my undergraduate degree!

I would encourage new AWE students to consider what they hope to gain from their future placement (ie. new skills, experiences, networking opportunities, etc.) and use that to guide your applications. Keeping what you are hoping to gain in mind will help you find the positions you are most interested in, and allow you to tailor your applications. For me, I knew I wanted a position in the Healthcare realm that allowed me to work with clients, and that struck a balance between technical, knowledge-based skills and interpersonal, communication-based skills. I've found all that and more in my position!" 

Emily Young is an Honors Psychology Student currently working as an Internship Assistant in Neuropsychology, Cognitive-Perceptual, and Clinical Psychology at Zone Performance Psychology.