Meet Dawson D.

International Student Engagement Intern

University of Alberta, Faculty of Arts

Summer 2022 (12 month term)

“My job involves connecting with international students in the Faculty of Arts and providing them with information, resources and opportunities. This is often accomplished through coaching sessions, which allow me to meet with students one-on-one and help to increase their awareness of the support available to them. I also plan events specifically targeted towards international students in the Faculty of Arts, and write a weekly newsletter to create buzz around upcoming events, opportunities and more! 

It is important that your values align with your workplace. My coworkers and I are similarly passionate about enhancing the student experience and making sure that students are supported during their academic journey. There was a disconnect between students and staff during the pandemic and we aim to mend that disbalance. Because my team and I share this passion to help students, we are able to collaborate smoothly and to support each other during our projects in order to meet our goal. 

It is important to expand your job search beyond your ideal work placement and that you consider all possibilities. When I first joined AWE, I was set on getting a work placement directly related to psychology. I wanted to work in a position that was related to my goal of becoming a counselor. However, I initially applied for this position on a whim because I loved the convenience of working on campus and being involved in the university buzz— even though I didn’t think I was qualified for the position. I was unsure of how this position would tie back into psychology at first. But since my work term began, I have realized how well my education has prepared me for this role. The main aspects of my position involve meeting with students and other faculty members, listening attentively and providing supportive communication, all of which my psychology classes prepared me for."

Dawson is a third-year psychology student in the Faculty of Arts. Outside of work, you can find her exploring the city with Jacklyn, the Arts Work Experience Intern, and with a matcha latte in her hand.