Meet Craig N.

Collections Assistant

University of Alberta Museums

Summer 2023 (4 month term)

"“One of the most impactful things I’ve taken away from my work term is that it isn’t a bad thing to have multiple passions in life. Oftentimes in University, we get hung up on choosing one specific path - yet this doesn’t necessarily have to be the case. When I first began at the University of Alberta Museums (UAM), I already loved museology, but was worried about how my background in psychology would fit into that world. However, I soon discovered that there was immense overlap between these areas, particularly concerning things such as ethics, communication, and professionalism. Over the summer, I was also able to conduct numerous interviews, write detailed reports and acquire a deeper knowledge of different cultures, all of which are useful things for a future career in psychology.

For those considering an AWE work term, I highly recommend keeping your mind open to different opportunities, even if they’re not exactly what you had in mind. Sometimes the jobs that seem unrelated to your area of study provide you with crucial transferable skills that you might not have received otherwise. My education in psychology allowed me to bring a unique perspective to the projects I tackled over the summer, and helped me reach outside of my comfort zone.”

Craig is currently a third year student with a major in Honors Psychology. He is passionate about research and making a difference in the lives of others. When not studying, Craig can be found reading, writing, meditating, or philosophizing (not mutually exclusive).