Meet Tina K.

Compost School Educator

City of Edmonton

Winter 2022 (8 month term)

"As a Compost School Educator for the City of Edmonton, I encourage Edmontonians to reduce waste by doing presentations, coordinating events and engaging with residents at Compost School.  Even though I’ve always been passionate about waste and sustainability, this work term has opened my eyes to Edmonton’s waste system and allowed me to explore ideas and waste strategies that the city has implemented. It gave me a chance to learn about concepts I’ve never studied and opened up a whole new field of interest. My favorite part of this position is the diversity of the work I do. Some days I will be interacting with residents, other days I will be planning workshops, attending meetings or executing events. The variety of work I perform in this position has given me the ability to develop the leadership skills and professional traits that I have not learned in the classroom. 

One piece of advice I would give to new AWE students is to try and apply for jobs outside of your field if the position interests you. I think this is important because it will give you a chance to explore your other passions and even open up other career options in the future. If the position sounds interesting, fun or something that you can see yourself in, apply! You will never know if that field is right or not right for you unless you give it a shot!"

Tina is going into her third year of her Honors Political Science program. She is also earning her Certificate in Sustainability.