Meet David D.

Undergraduate Ombuds Intern

Office of the Dean of Students, University of Alberta

Summer 2021 (12 month term)

"The Office of the Student Ombuds (OSO) at the University of Alberta hosts three interns each year, two at the undergraduate level and one at the graduate level. As an Undergraduate Ombuds Intern, I have worked directly with students on various appeals and proceedings related to a vast array of university policies. As a result of working with the OSO, I have developed a deep understanding of the inherently multifaceted nature of fairness, including substantive, administrative, relational and equitable fairness. I have found this job immensely rewarding and I can say without a doubt that it has helped me to better understand the university as a whole and it has inspired me to take a new route in my future studies. 

The most important lesson I have learned during my work experience term has been the importance of prioritizing self-care. Often in my classes I would work myself until the point of severe burnout. While working in the Office of the Ombuds, I have been able to develop balanced working habits and strategies to ensure that I don't reach the point of burnout again. As this role is service-oriented and involves working directly with students during high-stress situations at the university, I have learned meaningful strategies to help others with stress. I now have a better understanding of the supports that are available for students and myself."

David Draper is in their fifth year of studies with a major in Political Science and a minor in Sociology. They are also pursuing certificates in Sustainability and Community Engagement and Service-Learning. David is currently one of two Undergraduate Ombuds Interns at the Office of the Student Ombuds at the University of Alberta.