Meet Daniel G.

Student Intern 

Indigenous Services Canada

Summer 2023 (4 month term)

"During my time as a student in Arts Work Experience working with Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) I have learned the importance of teamwork and collaboration in a fast-paced work environment. As someone who is passionate about public service and improving the community, being able to work with, and support a team that serves Indigenous people throughout Canada was not only rewarding, it also gave me the opportunity to gain experience in a field I am so incredibly passionate about. 

While I learned so much during my time with ISC, my biggest takeaway lies in how much I learned about the federal government. Not only did I learn about all the areas for growth in ISC, I also learned about the job flexibility and the job opportunities that are available. My position helped me get my foot in the door with the Government of Canada and now I feel more capable in seeking employment with other branches of the federal government or remaining with ISCand growing within the organization. Seeking an opportunity with ISC or any sector of the Government of Canada is something I would highly advise for AWE students interested in a future career in public service. 

While my experience with Indigenous Services Canada has been rewarding and fulfilling there were challenges at times. These challenges came from the fluid nature of government work and how things can change instantly. Something I learned as a student entering a professional work environment is that no matter how prepared you are there will always be elements of work that cannot be anticipated and prepared for. As a result of this I would advise all new students entering AWE to not be discouraged when roadblocks and challenges arise at work. Rather take these challenges as opportunities to learn from your supervisors and strengthen bonds within the workplace. "

Daniel is in his third year of a Bachelor of Arts with a major in political science and a minor in sociology. He is passionate about policy development, intragovernmental relations and public service. When he is not studying or working he spends his time relaxing at the golf course and finding other ways to remain active.