Meet Brie L.

International Student Engagement Intern
U of A, Faculty of Arts

Summer 2019 (12 Month Term)

"I’ve been working from home for two weeks now to practice social distancing. It's definitely been a mental adjustment, especially since I'm not leaving the house at all - so I sleep, work, eat, and have the rest of my day all at home! I have been finding it more difficult to focus at home, so something I've been doing to help combat that is that I have set up a desk space in a room that's not my bedroom. This way, when I'm at the desk I know it's time to work, and when I'm not, I know I can relax! ⠀

I've also been trying to go on a walk every day during my lunch hour (I try my best to stick to my normal work hours!) and that helps me clear my head. I think it's so important to be doing as much self-isolation as possible so that we all stay safe during this time and protect the others around us. But it's also important to take care of yourself and find strategies that work for you to feel motivated and focused in this very unusual time!”⠀

Brie is a third year Political Science student finishing up her position as the International Student Engagement Intern with the Faculty of Arts.