Meet Marina G.

Student Planning Technician

City of Edmonton

Winter 2022 (8 month term)

“I am very fortunate to be five months into completing my eight month long work term with the City of Edmonton in the Development Approvals and Inspections branch. My work consists of reviewing and approving site plans and architectural drawings of new greenfield housing in the Edmonton region. It has been a very rewarding and positive experience to learn about the various development applications the City receives and what it takes to make these developments come to life. The City of Edmonton has gone above and beyond to promote a safe and inclusive environment for learning and gaining hands-on work experience virtually and in person. 

I think the most challenging part of my work experience so far has been adjusting to working from home. Starting the work term virtually made it difficult to get to know other people on my team, which made me shy away from asking my team members for help. It took me about a month to get comfortable and to reach out to new people when I had a question. I always had to remind myself that asking questions is okay, especially in a new role. The majority of people want to help and are more than happy to, if you ask! 

I hope I continue to grow as a planner in my role and carry over the new skills and knowledge I gained through this experience into my everyday life and the rest of my university career.“

Marina is in her fourth year of the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Urban Planning and a minor in Psychology. She is interested in promoting inclusive design within cities and is passionate about advocating for affordable housing. In the future, Marina hopes to travel and work abroad as an urban designer.