Meet Courtney N.

Planning Work Experience Student (Development Services)
City of Edmonton - Development Services, Urban Planning and Economy

Summer 2021 (8 Month Term)

"My co-op experience with the City of Edmonton has been essential to my academics and future career goals.

I hadn’t realized how much my classes had prepared me for hands-on experience during my work term. All the planning legislation I studied and many of my assignments have directly related to the work I did. I want to highlight that school isn’t just about getting a good mark, but also gaining the knowledge the professors carefully teach. It was very gratifying to see that the classes I have taken provided me with a great foundation to begin my career.

Through my position as a Planning Work Experience Student, I worked in the Development Services branch, reviewing development permits where I interacted with people of all different backgrounds. Because of this, I was able to gain many different perspectives on city planning in Edmonton.

I think the most important takeaway from my experience is not to be afraid of talking to people. I learned something from every interaction I had and the more people I spoke to, the more knowledge I gained. Everyone has their own stories about how they ended up in the career they have today, and their stories really helped me figure out where I wanted to go with my planning degree. My co-op at the City of Edmonton was a welcoming environment where I could explore my skills in the real world and it also gave me the opportunity to network with many different professionals who helped me develop those skills."

Courtney is in her fourth year of her Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in urban planning and a double minor in anthropology and art & design. She is also completing a certificate in sustainability. In the future, Courtney hopes to become a planner and make a difference in the built form of Edmonton through policy and engagement.