Meet Emma H.

Communications, Recruitment and Engagement Coordinator
U of A, Faculty of Arts

Fall 2019 (8 Month Term)

“Staying home and working from home have been especially challenging for me because I live in a 200 square foot apartment. I can walk from one end of my multi-functional living space to the other in 13 steps. All of the “working from home” posts that have been popping up in my social media feed tell me to keep a dedicated office space - but that’s hard for those of us who don’t have the luxury of a lot of room! The people and communities who have been hit the hardest by COVID are those located in the world's most densely populated cities. I’ve been paying careful attention to stories and advice from those living in cities with notoriously small housing - cities like Hong Kong, New York, and London. I am feeling very thankful that social media has given me the ability to connect with and seek advice from people with whom I share similar experiences.”⠀

Emma is working as a the Student Communications, Recruitment and Engagement Coordinator with the Faculty of Arts.⠀