Meet Natalie T.

Planning Co-op Student
City of Edmonton

Winter 2020 (8 Month Term)

"I learned so much during my co-op position with the City of Edmonton. While working for the Zoning and Development Services team, I was able to apply information from my courses to zoning bylaws and other planning legislation and gain hands-on experience. This allowed me to experience the day-to-day responsibilities of an urban planner and gain a solid understanding of the planning profession. 

The most challenging part of my work experience was the COVID-19 pandemic. I started my co-op in January of 2020 but my in-person time in this role was cut short. The transition was challenging but I quickly adapted to working from home. I overcame this challenge by frequently communicating with my team about responsibilities and tasks and making a daily work routine for myself. 

My advice to AWE students would be to stick to a daily work routine and set goals for the day, no matter how small. In a world where you may be working from home, you could start your routine by checking your email and making a list of tasks that you want to accomplish during the day. I also know my routine involves a lot of coffee."

Natalie is a recent Human Geography and Art & Design graduate. Natalie is currently working as a Research Assistant for the Housing for Health Project with the University of Alberta. In her spare time, Natalie enjoys sewing and watching movies.