Meet Bezawit L.

Student Analyst
GoC, Environment and Climate Change Canada

Winter 2021 (4 Month Term)

"My time with Environment and Climate Change Canada was such a rewarding and engaging experience. I supported the Mackenzie River Basin Board and contributed to its reports by tracking comments and suggestions made for the Annual Report and State of the Aquatic Ecosystem Report, creating graphics and posters, and compiling a list of Indigenous Nations in the River Basin. I was able to take on an assignment researching the measures that different provinces and territories in the River Basin use to respond to non-emergency environmental incidents. I learned so much about policy analysis and public service and I'm grateful for everything I was able to experience.

One of the most important takeaways from my work term was understanding and learning about the different ways my degree can be used. I chose my program in Arts because I wanted to pursue what I was passionate about, despite the concerns I had about what I would make of my degree. Now, having had some exposure to what policy work is like, I have a better idea of how I can use what I'm learning in my studies, I'm more aware of what topics and classes to seek out in order to strengthen my degree, and I'm more confident when job seeking in general. My work term with Environment and Climate Change Canada helped me further my career development in many ways and I feel much more equipped to continue pursuing my goals post-graduation.”

Bezawit has completed her 5th year of studies majoring in Human Geography and Sociology. She is completing certificates in Community Engagement and Service Learning, Applied Social Sciences Research, and Sustainability. In her free time she enjoys making maps and exploring Edmonton with her camera.