Meet Tasha A.

International Student Engagement Intern
UofA, Faculty of Arts

Summer 2021 (12 Month Term)

My work includes engaging with Arts international students in their non-academic performance and career development, as well as partnering with other university services such as University of Alberta International to deliver workshops and events. I also write the Arts International Student Newsletter that features all news and resources necessary for Arts international students.

I’ve only been in this position for about 2 months now, so I still have a lot to learn. However, the most important thing I’ve learned so far is the ability to multitask and implement change immediately. I am working in a period of uncertainty, thus the ability to adapt and improvise with my work, given the environment, is important. 

Another big takeaway is being able to witness all the decision-making processes and the work that is done behind the scenes. Seeing how everyone makes decisions with students’ best interests in mind makes me feel grateful to be a student and an intern at the University of Alberta. 

If there is something that I would like to advise new AWE students, it’s to be open minded and accept change throughout your career development. Your career path may not be linear, and you will probably end up working in a field that you never even knew about or one that is completely different from your previous career goals. Never feel disheartened if you are not able to meet your goals, and keep on taking all the opportunities that are given to you. When you are working, a lot of external forces can affect your job and the way you approach your tasks. Be open minded to different ideas and change, as well as be culturally sensitive to other employees who have different cultural backgrounds than you."

Tasha is currently a fourth year undergraduate student double majoring in Economics and Political Science. She is also completing the Certificate in Economics and Management of Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment under the Department of Economics.