Meet Anurika O.

Social Media Coordinator

Summer 2022 (4 Month Term)

"I am privileged to have been working at Ruth as its social media coordinator for almost four months. Ruth is a startup that focuses on the sustainable menstrual care industry. My job consists of running their various social media accounts, content creation and scheduling, email marketing, compiling analytics and understanding engagement, customer discovery research and so much more. Over 12 billion pads end up in North American landfills every year and Ruth was formed as a solution to this problem. By offering plant-based, disposable and eco-friendly pads, we are one step closer to cutting our carbon footprint and helping sustain our planet for many years to come. It has been incredibly exciting to work with a company that shares my passion and vision for the future.

The most important thing I’ve learned from this experience is the power of networking. Upon my acceptance into the AWE, the first thing I did was set up a LinkedIn profile. At that point I already had my resume and draft cover letter ready, so it was easy to jump right in. I got informed about jobs through both LinkedIn and resources from AWE. Even within my job, networking has proved its importance once again. With communications and marketing, you have to really build your network for your business. A huge network presents opportunities for growth.

For fellow international students, my advice is to put yourself out there! Don’t be afraid to apply to that job because the worst that they can say is no. It has not been an easy road adapting to life here in Canada and finding a job is hard. But having that work experience before you graduate is incredibly important. It gives you that edge and helps you stand out."

Anurika is in her 4th year of a Bachelor of Management degree with a major in Business Management and a minor in Sociology. She is also completing a Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. She is passionate about sustainable business and hopes to find a role in management consulting after graduation.