Meet Jonelle M.

Learn-to Camp Coordinator and Interpretation Officer
Parks Canada, Elk Island National Park

Fall 2021 (8 Month Term)

“My work experience as an Interpretation Officer and Coordinator for Elk Island and Prince Albert National Park's Learn-to Camp teams has already been so rewarding. Access to Parks Canada locations and the outdoors as a whole often comes with many barriers for new Canadians, minorities, and English language learners. I have been able to share my love of the outdoors with people who face these barriers by simultaneously being a student, representing Parks Canada, and working and coordinating directly with settlement organizations across the country. My work experience with Learn-to Camp has allowed me to assist with removing these barriers and I get to hear about incredible experiences from people who are discovering their love for the outdoors.

The most important thing I've learned from my work experience so far is that no matter your academic background, you'll be able to apply the knowledge and skills you gain in your studies to an employment sector you're interested in, so long as you're passionate about what you're doing. I found this position myself and although my academic background in anthropology, zoology and palaeontology may not seem overtly relevant, it has allowed me to bring forth some unique perspectives and ideas that have already enhanced Learn-to Camp's operations and programming. I credit most of this to my genuine enjoyment of both what I am studying and what I do for work. I cannot stress the importance of following your passions enough!”

Jonelle is completing her fourth year of studies with a major in anthropology and a minor in biological sciences (with a focus on zoology and paleontology). She is currently working on a research project in paleontology under Dr. Corwin Sullivan where she is attempting to identify and classify a lower leg bone found in northern Alberta from a Cretaceous diving bird. In her spare time, Jonelle is probably camping, hiking, kayaking, on a road trip, or doing a combination of these things.