Connect with Confidence

Does the thought of meeting new people make you nervous? If so, you are not alone! In fact, many students feel similarly, especially when faced with networking opportunities and job interviews. Luckily, the University of Alberta's Career Centre website contains a number of great resources you can utilize to approach these situations with confidence. 

Although it may seem daunting, networking will provide you with valuable perspectives that will help shape and influence your career journey. Like many other activities, practice makes perfect when honing these skills. To start, check out the Career Centre’s Guide to Networking. The Faculty of Science’s “Dear Maddie” column also addresses this very issue and explains an interesting coping technique you can try before mustering the courage to strike up a conversation with a stranger. 

To help combat job interview jitters, you can practice thinking on the spot by responding to common interview questions. You will find more in-depth information on the Career Centre’s Preparing for Job Interviews webpage, which contains tips and tricks you can use to approach the big day with confidence. Would you like to test drive a job interview? Book a mock interview with knowledgeable staff at the Career Centre, who will provide feedback and help you prepare for the real thing!