Conferences 101

Attending academic and leadership conferences as a university student can be a valuable experience that provides you with opportunities to meet like-minded individuals, improve presentation skills and gain insights into your field of interest. To make the most of these events, consider the following tips:

1. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on social media, emails and specialized groups to discover upcoming conferences and abstract submission deadlines. Word of mouth and recommendations from supervisors can also help you stay updated.

2. Plan Your Schedule: Review the conference program in advance and pre-register for the sessions or workshops that interest you. Ensure you have the correct information for registration, as some events may require in-person sign-up.

3. Networking: Be ready to introduce yourself with a concise statement that covers your name, school, program and research interests. Engaging with others and forming connections is a key aspect of conferences.

4. Stay Flexible: Be open to changing your schedule if you meet someone presenting in a different session that aligns better with your interests. This flexibility can lead to unexpected learning experiences and strengthen new connections.

5. Reflect and Connect: After the conference, take time to reflect on what you learned and the connections you made. Share your experiences through social media, blogs, or private notes. Don't forget to follow up with new acquaintances through social media, email, or other means to maintain valuable connections, you can even plan a post-conference get-together with fellow attendees for a more relaxed opportunity to network.

Conferences are excellent opportunities for personal and professional growth, and with the right approach, you can make the most of them. For even more great tips on attending conferences check out the YouAlberta article that inspired this Tip of the Week!