Summer Keys to Fall Success

Although the summer is a great time to refresh and prepare for another busy school year ahead, it is also the ideal time to take small, yet important steps to set yourself up for a successful job hunt this fall/winter. Here are just a few easy wins you can do to be proactive with your job search: 

Volunteer: They don’t call Edmonton “Festival City” for nothing! If you are sticking around this summer, consider volunteering for one or more of the many festivals that this city has to offer. In addition to many perks (free swag, discounts, event access, etc.), volunteering provides networking and skill development opportunities that will help you build your resume. If you’re spending the summer out of town, look for volunteer opportunities in your area! 

Create and develop a master resume: When was the last time you looked at your resume? Was it for the job you applied for last summer? If so, it may be time to take another look. Remember that your resume is not a “one size fits all” document - it has to be tailored for every position you apply to. A master resume is a great way to capture everything you have done so that you don’t forget anything that might be a good fit for a future application. 

Practice your networking skills: Networking does not have to be a stuffy or formal activity. If you happen to have more spare time in the summer than in the fall or winter terms, consider attending events, mixers and classes that align with your values, interests and hobbies. You never know where that seemingly one-off conversation with another like-minded person may lead you.