How to Boost Job Search Confidence

Searching for a new job can be an overwhelming and sometimes a discouraging process. Keeping track of your applications, potential interviews and your documents can be a tall order when you don’t feel like you have what it takes (but you do, we promise). It doesn’t have to be this way though, especially if you sit down with intention and prepare yourself and everything you’ll need to be successful in your job search. Here are a few ways to maintain your confidence during a job search:

Broaden your Horizons! It can be crushing to actively look for a job and feel like you’re under-qualified for every position you see. Don’t let this stop you from applying though! A job is an exchange of experiences: you’re offering the employer all of your skills and talents and they’re offering you something you’ve never done before. It can be exciting! If you can really see yourself in a position but don’t quite fit all the qualifications, consider applying anyway. Be sure to tailor your documents to the role and highlight your past work experiences, educational background and technical skills to really make your application stand out (and reach out to your Work Experience Coordinator for a resume and cover letter review). Your enthusiasm and willingness to take a risk will count for something, even though it can feel impossible!

Practice, Practice, Practice - makes perfect! Well, maybe not perfect, but it will certainly help your confidence! Lack of experience with job interviews, networking and the application process in general can feel like a disadvantage, but there are other ways to ensure you’re well prepared! The idea is to try it before the real deal, so whether it's practicing those tough interview questions with your Work Experience Coordinator, interviewing for a volunteer position, or asking your friends and peers networking questions like these ones listed by Indeed, it’ll be sure to help at least a little bit!

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help. Seriously! Applying for jobs can be really tough, but you don’t have to do it alone. It’s important to lean on the support you have in your life, whether it's a loved one or your Work Experience Coordinator. Chances are, they’ve been exactly where you are right now in your job search at some point, and have advice to offer. Talking through job application struggles can make a world of difference and even boost your confidence a little. Knowing that you’re not the only one who feels the way you do while applying for jobs can feel incredible. We know it can be difficult to ask for advice, but talking through career options, deciding between job offers or even what kind of jobs to apply for can really make the process easier. 

As always, don’t be afraid to reach out to your Work Experience Coordinator for help, or email if you have any questions/ideas/concerns!