Decode The Job Posting 

Over the course of your AWE experience, you will encounter dozens of job postings that list very similar requirements, competencies, etc. It can be tempting to reuse the same documents for each application when the job descriptions overlap in content. But taking the time to approach each application individually without cutting corners will prevent typos and other errors that can result from quick edits to existing documents. Looking at each job posting closely and tailoring your resume and cover letter to each position will give your application a better chance of getting noticed by hiring managers.

One of the best ways to start the application phase is to decode each job posting! Carefully read all sections of the posting to ensure that you fully understand who the organization’s ideal candidate is and how you meet the qualifications. Using the posting as a checklist, highlight your education and experiences in your resume and cover letter to illustrate how you meet and demonstrate the skills and qualities listed in the job posting.