Dealing With Job Rejection 

Let’s face it: everyone deals with rejection during the job search stage. Fortunately, there are many ways to cope and learn from your rejection. 

Rejection is a universal experience. Try talking to your friends and colleagues and ask them what their job search process looked like. Take comfort in knowing that you aren’t alone in coping with rejection and that everyone has experienced that similar feeling during their career.

Try taking a step back and reviewing your job search tools: does your resume need improvement? Has anyone read over your cover letter and given you feedback? Do you need more interview practice? Use the Career Centre’s Advising Appointments or book a Career Coaching session with your Work Experience Coordinator to help with your next time application.

If you have gone through the interview process and received a rejection over the phone, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. Feel free to ask for specific feedback, such as asking if there were any gaps in your experience or if there was any way that you could have presented yourself better as a candidate. Interviewing is a skill and the feedback you receive can help you prepare for your next interview. 

Don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process and ensure that you are tending to your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual areas in your life! Check out this article for more helpful tips on dealing with job rejection.