Consider Including Core Values in Your Job Search

For some, it can be important and rewarding to work with a company that has similar core values. Bringing your values into the job search means being true to yourself and your goals. So, how do you find a job at a company that will support and align with your values? We have some tips; 

Define Your Own Values - Values are the principles that guide our behaviours and help shape our worldview. To get clear on what your values are, ask yourself what core beliefs motivate you. Check out some additional strategies to determine your values here. Keep in mind that values can change over time, it might be very important to you to earn as much money as you can after graduation, but as you grow in a career you may find that other values take centre stage in your life and career goals. 

Research the Company’s Values - Visit the company's website, read through the mission/vision statement, look for an “About Us” section and any other information available about its history. You can also view its social media account and read reviews to see what the public is saying about the company and how it engages with the public. Check out some other research techniques here

Read Between the Lines - In many cases, actions can speak louder than words so you can also research how the company is addressing challenges and living up to its values in the community. For example, if you value environmental sustainability you can take note of companies that are implementing green initiatives or if it's involved in environmentally harmful practices. 

Trust Your Gut - When considering your core values and seeking authenticity in the companies you apply to or work with, you may try to focus on what your gut is telling you. Take note of anything that stands out to you - whether it excites and energizes you or makes you feel uneasy it is all helpful information to reflect on. 

You can find more tips on starting your values-centred job search in this Forbes article.

Regardless of whether you are focused on working with an organization with similar values or still trying to figure out what exactly you are looking for in an employer, researching and familiarizing yourself with the organization for the job you want will give you a competitive edge over other applicants!