Be Curious 

A lot of great information was provided during the arts+businessWORKS Career Development Conference, but one piece of advice stood out during the What The Job? Podcast recording. Panelist Arden Tse, who first dreamed of being a doctor, had a career path that took them to some incredibly diverse places, which included owning a restaurant, working for a Princess Cruises casino and running the University of Alberta’s Venture Mentoring Service. Now, they are an investment manager for Yaletown!

When meeting new people, Arden says, "Your greatest asset is your curiosity. That encompasses so much. I think a mistake a lot of people make when they're networking is they start by talking about themselves. It's all about what they're doing. Start by asking about the other person. Start by being curious about others. The people who are remembered as great conversationalists are the people who say very little."

Curiosity is at the core of an Arts degree. Learning from those around you, asking questions and approaching opportunities with an open mind and a willingness to learn likely comes naturally to you in the classroom. Applying curiosity to your job search will also help you find a fulfilling career and a place among like minded colleagues. And who knows? You may just be invited to share your exciting career path with future AWE students someday because of it!

The live What The Job? Podcast recording will be available to stream in a few weeks. Keep an eye on this newsletter for further information.