Be a Gmail Guru!

Since the University of Alberta uses Google Workspace (the collective term for Gmail, Google Drive, Google Sheets, etc.), we wanted to bring you some quick tips on how to effectively use Gmail.

Have you ever started to write an email and wondered what the To, Cc and Bcc functions do? Allow us to explain! Your main/primary recipient(s) should always be added to the To field. If you add one or more people to this field, this means that the message is intended specifically for them and they may need to act on something that is outlined in the email. For example, you may enter your Work Experience Coordinator’s name in the To field if you would like to book a resume review with them.

If you would like to add somebody to your email so they are in the loop (for informational purposes only), you can add them to the Cc field. Doing so will indicate to that individual that no direct action is required from them, but that they should be aware of the contents of the email. For example, if you are working on a group project, you may need to email everyone in the group to let them know that you and another group member have swapped responsibilities. In this case, you would add all the group members to the To field, but may decide to Cc your instructor so they are aware of the change. 

Lastly, if you add a name to the Bcc field, that person will be invisible to all other recipients and will therefore not receive any replies to the email thread, even if that individual clicks Reply all. Bcc is also used for privacy purposes when sending one email to multiple people. For example,  your Work Experience Coordinator may send one email to several AWE students, and enter all email addresses into the Bcc field so that you cannot see other students’ email addresses.

Not sure where to find the Cc and Bcc fields? You can click them on your email screen to use them: 

It is important to familiarize yourself with these features so that if you receive an email from a University staff or faculty member, a manager or colleague, you will know what is expected of you. Plus, practicing this email etiquette now, will help you be an email wizard in the next job you get! For more Google Workspace tips and tricks, check out the Google Toolkit on the Information Services and Technology (IST) website!