The Good, The Bad and The ChatGPT 

It’s no secret that ChatGPT is the new big thing - this AI chatbot can provide you with information on just about anything in seconds. But while new technology can be exciting for many reasons, it should not be a substitute for creating your own work. Learning to craft your own cover letter is a skill that will continue to benefit you throughout your career, and the AWE team expects you to develop those skills as you apply for jobs. Don’t believe us? You don’t have to take our word for it - we asked ChatGPT to tell us why it’s better to write your own cover letter and this is what it said: 

While ChatGPT can generate impressive and coherent text, it is not the best option for writing a cover letter. Here are a few reasons why:

Overall, while ChatGPT can be useful in generating ideas for your cover letter, it's best to use it as a tool and not a replacement for your personal effort and input. It's still best to write your cover letter yourself or seek the help of a professional to ensure it stands out from the rest.”

This Tip of the Week has been provided by ChatGPT.