Job Shadowing 

Have you ever wondered what it was like to work as a (fill in the blank here)?  Job shadowing is a great way to get the inside scoop on careers you are interested in while having the opportunity to test out your career choice before graduation.  Through job shadowing you can clarify your work-preferences while making connections and building your network. After one day of job shadowing you might be able to say “yes this is what I want to do” or “no this wasn’t what I was expecting at all!” Cool. But how do you set up a Job Shadow opportunity? 

Don't worry, Job Shadow week is BACK! After almost 3 years, the U of A Career Centre will be hosting Job Shadow Week again during the winter reading week February 21 - 24, 2023. Students will be able to participate in a 1-day in person workplace visit and gain first hand valuable career insights. If you are interested in learning more check out the Career Centre’s Job Shadowing Program. Applications for students will open on Wednesday, January 11, 2023. They will also be hosting Information Sessions throughout January which you can find out more information here.