Is Undergraduate Research Worth It?

Our Tip of the Week comes to us from Arya, a volunteer with the Undergraduate Research Initiative (URI)

Students in lab coats holding beakers is the first image that usually pops up when asked to think about undergraduate research. Unfortunately, it is a common misconception among art students that research is reserved only for natural sciences and individuals who want to build a career in academia. In reality, however, the realm of undergraduate research extends much beyond natural sciences and it benefits students in every discipline. Undoubtedly, undergraduate research experience will look great on your grad school application but the skills you develop through it will be of use in every phase of your career.

Here are three reasons why you should consider participating in undergraduate research even if you don't aim to get into grad school.

This list might end at three but it barely grazes the surface of the innumerable benefits of undergraduate research. Research might not be everybody’s cup of tea but it is definitely worth looking into when wanting to be extra prepared for your dream job!