How to Grow from Career Setbacks

If your summer job search didn’t go as planned don’t fret! Research has shown that career setbacks can actually boost your career in unexpected ways. Even though it may not feel like it at the time, perceived career setbacks can be a catalyst to great things and there are 3 practices that research indicates can help you get back on track; 

1. Reevaluate Career Goals: Reflect on whether current career goals align with present aspirations and skills. Try to acknowledge that past decisions were made by a less experienced version of yourself and then update your goals to better capture your current priorities and strengths.

2. Explore Unconventional Opportunities: Break free from a narrow view of career success and consider unconventional paths. Try to identify aspects of work that bring fulfillment and consider what these skills could look like in different settings. It is also important to engage with peers and mentors, both within and outside your preferred industry, to discover unconventional career moves.

3. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Develop habits that reflect a growth mindset by continually reassessing career goals. Try to embrace any setbacks as learning opportunities and focus on continuous growth. Once you’ve overcome a setback, keep seeking ways to step outside of your comfort zone and prepare for future challenges.

Remember that careers are best understood as lifelong journeys where detours and unconventional paths are natural and often valuable! If you’d like to chat further about your career goals, setbacks or just start preparing for your next job search, book an appointment with your Work Experience Coordinator today!