Vivian Tao

Bachelor of Arts with Honours Psychology

Congratulations to Vivian Tao who graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Honours Psychology! Vivian completed an Arts Work Experience (AWE) work term with Millard Health! We caught up with them to talk about graduating and their AWE experience. Here is what they had to say: 

How are you feeling about graduating?

Graduating is definitely an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience. I’m proud of the journey that I went through, as well as the accomplishments and challenges that occurred along the way. However, I am excited to start a new chapter of my life and continue to grow in many ways.

Talk about your work term with AWE! What was your role and responsibilities? What did you learn? 

I completed a year-long internship at Millard Health as an Undergraduate Psychology Intern where I supported the recovery of workplace injury clients. Some of my responsibilities included facilitating biofeedback sessions, leading relaxation groups, administering and scoring psychometrics, and co-facilitating a psychotherapy support group. I worked with clients on programs such as Traumatic Psychological Injury, Cumulative Psychological Injury, post-COVID, persistent pain, and Brain Injury programs. The internship deepened my understanding of how to provide support to those recovering from workplace injuries, especially from a mental health support role. I learned that there isn’t a “one size fits all” approach and that it’s important to be attuned to clients’ individual experiences, circumstances, and backgrounds. I learned to empower clients and help them build resilience in a way that fits their needs and comfort.

Do you have any advice for current students?

It’s important to practice self-care and self-compassion. Self-care can be as simple as listening to your favorite music, doing a hobby you enjoy, or journalling your thoughts. When we spend time caring for others, we can often forget to take care of ourselves. Remember that you deserve time and space to prioritize your own mental health.