Maïlys Paccoud

Bachelor of Arts with Honors Anthropology, Minor in Native Studies, Certificate in Archeology

Maïlys Paccoud graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, Honors Anthropology, minor in Native Studies and a certificate in Archeology! Maïlys completed an Arts Work Experience (AWE) work term with Indigenous Services Canada and we caught up with them to talk about their U of A experience and the next steps they are going to take in their career. Here is what they had to say:

How are you feeling about graduating?

Excited! It feels amazing and unreal to be done my undergrad, five years after applying on a whim to the U of A. My career path has veered sharply into law from anthropology, so it's super interesting to look back and see all of the experiences and moments that built up to this point in my life. 

Do you have any advice for current students?

Take part in as many of the programs and services the university has to offer. Do a work term, because it will be an experience that will be invaluable when you graduate and start looking for jobs. I can't emphasize enough how much access we have as students to internships, work experience programs, go abroad programs, and student clubs. All this can impact the trajectory of your academic, professional, and even personal life! Take risks when you can and take advantage of everything you can as a student before you graduate. 

What are you most looking forward to after graduation?

I am really looking forward to the next chapter in my life; Going to  law school and moving to a new city. I am looking forward to honing my kayaking skills and having time for my hobbies during the summer.