Mason von der Ohe 

Bachelor of Arts in Planning

Congratulations to Mason von der Ohe who graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Planning! Mason completed an Arts Work Experience (AWE) work term with the Green Space Alliance and we caught up with them to talk about their U of A and AWE experience. Here is what they had to say:

How are you feeling about graduating?

I have been feeling a mix of emotions as I approach graduation. It’s exciting to think about the opportunities ahead, however, I have also had some apprehension about the uncertainties involved with graduating. Despite this, I’m focusing on all the valuable memories and experiences I’ll be taking with me from my degree and look forward to the new opportunities that come with graduating. Overall, I feel very grateful for the growth and perspectives I gained while taking my undergrad at the U of A and I’m looking forward to all that comes next!

Talk about your work term with AWE! What was your role and responsibilities? What did you learn? 

During my work experience term, I did an internship for two semesters at Green Space Alliance (GSA). In this role, I had the opportunity to be involved in a variety of projects. My responsibilities included project management and policy writing for municipal development plans, land use bylaws, and area structure plans. I gained experience managing projects, conducting research and facilitating public engagement events, while also collaborating with private sector clients on development applications such as rezoning and plan amendments. Overall, my internship provided me with practical skills and theories that strengthened the material I learned throughout my degree. 

What are some of the key things you learned at the U of A? 

During my time at the U of A, one of the most valuable things I learned was the importance of exploring diverse perspectives and ideas. By taking elective courses outside of my major, such as sociology, linguistics, classics, history and creative writing, I expanded my knowledge base and was challenged to think critically and creatively about complex issues. I think these experiences taught me to have an open mind and think about things differently. 

Do you have any advice for current students?

I would recommend that students take the opportunity to try as many new things as possible. Whether that be trying a class in a completely unfamiliar topic, joining a club, participating in intramural sports, or making new friends – your undergrad is a great time to experiment and see what clicks for you!

What are you most looking forward to after graduation?

After graduation, I'm really looking forward to having the opportunity to take some time to travel and explore new places! I'm also looking forward to striking a healthier balance between my work and personal life.