Daria Ziegler-Allen

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

Congratulations to Daria Ziegler-Allen who graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science! Daria completed an Arts Work Experience (AWE) work term with the Government of Canada  specifically in the Prairies Economic Development sector. We caught up with them to talk about their U of A experience and how they feel about graduating. Here is what they had to say:

How are you feeling about graduating?

I’m both relieved and ecstatic to have finished such a huge milestone in my life.

What is your favorite memory of being a student at the U of A?

My favourite memories were in the Political Science department, such as building walkable cities with Lego in Dr. David J. Kahane's class.

What are some of the key things you learned at the U of A?

The U of A provided me with a breadth of topics, particularly within my own department, that provided me with an extensive education that continues to serve me today in activism, work, and personal life.

Do you have any advice for current students?

My best advice for current students is to not be afraid to pursue as many opportunities as you can, but still keep in mind your own capacity and prioritize self-care. Above all, if you don't take care of yourself you won't be able to succeed.

What are you most looking forward to after graduation?

Since I have already started my career, this is a tough question, but the piece of paper will be confirmation of my own personal achievements.

Anything else you would like to add?

Enjoy your time, graduates! You've earned it.