Andrew Shultz

Bachelor of Arts with Honours Psychology

Congratulations to Andrew Shultz who graduated with a Bachelor in Arts Honours Psychology! Andrew completed an Arts Work Experience (AWE) work term with the U of A Office of Ombuds. We caught up with them to talk about their U of A and AWE experience. Here is what they had to say:

What is your favorite memory of being a student at the U of A?

Volunteering! I volunteered for both Safewalk and the Peer Support Center and both of those opportunities completely changed my experience at the U of A. I met some amazing people who are now close friends and I was able to take what I learned in my degree and apply it in a way to help others.

Talk about your work term with AWE! What was your role and responsibilities? What did you learn? 

I worked at the Office of the Student Ombuds as an Undergraduate Ombuds Intern. It was a fantastic opportunity for me as a psychology student, as I got to work one-on-one with students as they navigated university procedures and policies. On top of this, I had a fantastic team which provided me opportunities to personally grow and develop through attending a conference in Ottawa, or presenting at the Alberta Student Leadership Summit. My internship at the Office of the Student Ombuds taught me a lot about the sort of work I was interested in. For example, I learned that I enjoy working one-on-one with students, which has led me to consider a career in counseling. I also gained invaluable skills, such as conflict resolution, student advising and project management.

What are some of the key things you learned at the U of A? 

Get involved with activities outside your academics! Looking back at my time in post-secondary, the most memorable parts of my degree have definitely been my involvement with volunteering, doing research and clubs. It also helped me balance out the stress of being a student by reminding me there is a lot more to life than just grades. I would also suggest using as many U of A resources as possible. The U of A offers a ton of free support to students, such as Career Advising through the Career Center, or Academic support through the Academic Success Center.