Meet your academic and professional match!

Problem Statement

There are multiple in person mentorship programs on campus that are available to students. All these mentorship programs should be able to be found in one place, the UR Mentor app. Mentorship is important for personal and professional growth which makes the undergraduates the perfect target for this app. The college experience is intertwined with the personal and professional because students are discovering their passions and starting out their careers. And with both of these things, they need help and guidance from a trusted and experienced person, a mentor. We know that the college experience has been difficult for freshmen in regards to meeting people and making connections compared to before. So we hope with this app that first year and transfer students get acquainted appropriately with the help of a mentor to ease their transition. We hope that students considering a new field or major can have an upperclassman in the field prepare them for their new journey. All in all, we hope to enhance the interactivity between mentors and mentees by finding them a perfect match that can meet their needs professionally, academically, and socially.

Our Mission

With the UR Mentor app we plan to help people find good matches of mentorship and enhance the interactivity experience with their mentors/mentees. We will have a database that manages the user information. After registering for an account, you will be able to view and edit relevant information from the database. When the user needs mentorship, you will be able to search and match with people who have traits that you want. When you are matched, you will be able to get into contact with your mentor via text or video call.

Find Your Match

Get access to the mentorship

fits you the best!

Keep In Touch

Enjoy the mentorship

all the times!