Payment Information

How will I be paid for my time?

Monday - Thursday Information

Our hours of expected attendance are from 8:00 - 2:30, August 2 - 5, with a one-hour lunch break each day. Your training will occur during these hours and when you don't have live/synchronous training planned, the rest of the time should be used to complete the asynchronous training included in your program.

In order to verify your attendance for 8/2 - 8/6, we will have two steps:

  1. Sign-in/Sign-out at ECC

Each day you will sign in and out at the tables in Building F at ECC. Make sure you sign out and sign back in before and after your lunch break to ensure accurate payment for your hours. On Monday afternoon, you'll sign in and out at your building site.

2. Complete your program as outlined in Canvas as evidence of your work.

You will need to complete your program by 8/6/2020. Any delay in completing the program will lead to a delay in receiving payment for your NTO hours.

For 8/6/20 (Friday), you will need to fill out a google form letting us know the specific hours you used for your planning time.

You will have a total of 5 hours of planning time and can use those any time during hours that your building is open depending on what works best for your schedule. You will need to be present in your building to receive payment for your planning hours.

Here's a link to the google form for Friday's hours.