Twyning School - Newsletter 22.09.23

This week's news:

Another busy week has flown by: the Year 5 and 6 children have been busy with a KNEX challenge this week which seems to have been enjoyed by all; our new classroom continues to progress and is on track to be ready for after half term; there have been a lot of music lessons going on around the school and clubs seem to have got off to a great start! 


Congratulations this week go to...

Amelia Hall

Lea Williams

Lily Taylor-Phelps

Jacob Ross

Stanley Smith

Livvy Dorkings

Dates for your Diary

Please note if you are doing Cross Country

Cross country races at the Vineyards (Y4,5 and 6):

Race 1 - Thursday 28th September 

Race 2 - Thursday  5th October

Race 3 - Thursday 12th October

Children need to be transported to the Vineyards by their parent/carer who must stay with them and be responsible for them during the races. After the races you should report to Mrs Leggett to tell her you are taking your child/children home.

Friday 13th October - Squirrels and Foxes trip to The Wilson Museum in Cheltenham

Mon 23rd October - Bikeability week for Year 5

Friday 27th October - Last day of term 1

Monday 6th November - First day of term 2

Wednesday 22th November - Flu Spray Day for all who have consented.

Tuesday 19th December - Whole school trip to the pantomime Beauty and The Beast, at The Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury.

Friday 22nd December - Last day of term

reception parents

You will have received a message on School Spider inviting you to sign up for one of the Phonics information workshops with Miss Copson and Mrs Halling. If you have not done so already, please go onto Spider and choose an option.

We have received a letter from the Chief Medical Officer, Professor Chris Whitty and other health professionals today and wanted to share some of the content with you: "There is wide agreement among health professionals and educational professionals that school attendance is vital to the life chances of children and young people. Being in school improves health, wellbeing and socialisation throughout the life course. The greatest benefits come from children and young people attending school regularly. It is usually appropriate for parents and carers to send their children to school with mild respiratory illnesses. This would include general cold symptoms: a minor cough, runny nose or sore throat. However, children should not be sent to school if they have a temperature of 38°C or above. We would encourage you to share the NHS link  guidance with parents and carers in your schools and communities which has further information."

accelerated reader

What is Accelerated Reader (AR)?

Accelerated Reader is a computer programme that helps teachers to manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice once they are fluent enough and no longer require the support of decodable books. Children pick a book from their level and read it at their own pace. When finished, they take a short quiz on the computer – showing how much they have understood.

How is Accelerated Reader managed at Twyning?

At the beginning of the school year and at the end of each term, every child completes the Star Reader quiz. This quiz is made up of 34 multiple choice questions and will determine their 'reading level' or ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development). This is the range of books that the child can read at their own fluency level. The comprehension quizzes enable teachers to monitor progress and areas of difficulty, specifically for each child, so that the teaching of reading can be adapted effectively.

How can I help my child become a better reader?

Accelerated Reader is designed to move your child on from the mechanics of reading using phonics, to focusing more on fluency and comprehension.

Listening to your child read every day for 10-20 minutes has been shown to improve reading at a significant rate. The school reading challenge of ‘5 reads each week’ helps with this as it motivates your child to want to read.

While reading with your child, it is a great support to have discussions about the content.

Why do my child’s reading books seem easier than before?

When children are learning to read and decode using phonics, the books are selected according to the phonics they are learning.

Accelerated Reader provides books that are comfortably within their fluency reading level once phonics is established. This allows them to focus on improving fluency and comprehension skills.

If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to email Mrs Mulligan.


There are still a just few more permission forms still to come back in - please could you sign them ASAP and return them to Mrs Bowen? Without this form, we will not be able to include your child's photo or any whole class photos in any of our class and whole school updates. Please be assured that all photos stay within the realm of our school's Dojo account and are not shared anywhere else.

School uniform

We already have some lost property! If you are missing any items of clothing please come and have a look through the box in the main reception area by Mrs Bowen's desk. Please remember to name your children's clothing. PE clothing is a particular issue - there are a few children who have lost their PE tops - if you have found someone else's at home please bring it in to Mrs Bowen. 

Many thanks.

football clubs

Please can children bring trainers not studded boots as they are currently only working on the astro turf area. 

School Dinners change!

On Thursday 5th October, there will be a change to the usual menu. 

Choice A will be Hot dog, chips, coleslaw and salad,

Choice B will be Veggie hot dog, chips, coleslaw and salad,

Pudding will be sponge and custard.

Peggy update

Peggy is still resting at home and has a vet appointment next week. Thanks for all the kind messages.

Before and After School Care

If you are using our paid Before & After School Care facility, balances should be cleared by the end of each month at the latest. Many thanks. If you use government vouchers please email Mrs Tingle at  to advise when you have made a payment, each time you do this. 

How do I register my child?

To register for Before or After School Club, please complete and send in the booking form which can be downloaded from our website or ask Mrs Bowen for a printed copy. These forms should be returned to Mrs Bowen at .

SCHOOL Dinners 

Please remember that all school dinner account balances should be in credit on parentpay at all times. Many thanks.

Some useful links:

If you believe your family to be eligible for Free School Meals, please click on this link:

Health and sickness information "Is my child too ill for school?"   

Register for School Milk:


Please feel free to make contact with me via email should you need to speak to me. During evenings and weekends, I may not be able to respond to you straight away but I will make contact with you during normal working hours as soon as I can. Many thanks for all of your support.

Kindest regards 

Mrs Lucy Halling, Headteacher