Special Education


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This is going to be a learning experience for all of us! On this site, you will find resources to help support your needs.

Connect with your teachers!

Ms. Turner



Tips for Home Learning

We know that it is going to be difficult to balance your work and your child's work schedule. Here are some tips to help you get through!

1. Keep a routine - make sure your child knows this is not a 'break'. Keep his/her bedtime and wake up time the same as a regular school day.

2. Get up and get dressed like any other day.

3. Create a schedule (and stick to it!). Your child would love to be involved in this process and the more structure/consistency you have each day, the less resistance you'll get from your child. Let your child help make his or her schedule with you - they may want to keep it similar to their school schedule. Make sure you make it clear the times you are working (unbothered by your child) and the times your child is expected to work (with you available to help/assist, if needed).

4. Allow for 'brain breaks' throughout the day - use www.gonoodle.com for quick movement time, go for a short walk, or get your child moving somehow between each assignment/throughout the day.

5. If you allow free screen time for your child, it's best to save that for after academic time so they don't get 'sucked in'. You're more likely to have resistance if you allow it before their 'school day'.