
Note from Mr. Pohlmann

Dear parents,

For the first time at TRCA, we are pleased to offer music as an elective course for 2nd through 6th grade on Fridays!  While I am mindful of the sheer volume of information that has been dropped on our collective laps this week, I hope you will permit me a word on the importance and intent of this class.  Music is not merely an art, nor is it a pastime.  Music is a unique creation of God, a peculiar way of internalizing a piece of God’s infinitely wise created order.  When we do music well, we engage our whole being with the intricacies of time, sound, shape, and form, and from these foundations we learn to draw out beauty.  When we sing God-honoring music, these universal structures become carriers of God’s truth, which is then etched onto our hearts with a beauty and permanence that cannot be elseways attained.

Putting it more directly, music is a training ground for the heart.  We see this demonstrated in Colossians 3, where Paul is imploring the new believers at Colossae to cast off sin and worldliness, and put on the traits of godliness:  compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, and peace.  After issuing this charge, Paul (very practically!) prescribes the means by which the Colossians ought to proceed.  He writes:  “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”  Christians are singers, and when we sing to one another, to our God, and to ourselves, we bring our affections and emotions into alignment with that which we know to be good and true.  We conform our hearts to God’s heart.

The purpose of this elective music class is to develop in our scholars a deep and abiding love for making music, and to give them the skills and confidence they need in order to be about music-making their whole lives.  We will learn to read music, to sing beautifully and expressively, to critically examine musical works, to harmonize in a choir, and to present the fruits of our rehearsing with poise and polish.  We will utilize lots of moving around activities, and we will have a blast.  I hope that many of you will jump on board as we pilot this program, and please reach out to me with your questions!

Jordan Pohlmann, M.A.

Vocal Music 

Two Rivers Classical Academy