Miss Brown

Welcome to 3rd Grade!


Brown's Blazing Bikers

Can you believe that we have reached the end of the year at school? I am so proud of how each and every student has worked this year. I have seen them grow so much. I hope that everyone has a fabulous summer!

Awards Presentation

Awards Presentation 2021.webm

Welcome to our Awards Presentation! In this presentation, students will be given one of their awards in class. All other awards will be sent home.

Important Dates

5/28 Last Day for Students

5/28 4th Quarter Ends

Weekly Schedule

    • Daily PE 9:00 - 10:30 Coach Carmichael

    • Daily Lunch 12:04 - 12:29 Mrs. Paxton

    • Monday Spanish 1:00 - 1:25 Señora Gordon

    • Tuesday Music 12:40 - 1:25 Mrs. Britton

    • Wednesday Art 1:30 - 2:15 Ms. Ruter

    • Thursday Computer Lab #1 1:30 - 2:15 Ms. Casteel

    • Friday Spanish 10:00 - 10:25 Señora Ortega

    • Friday Computer Lab #2 12:40 - 1:25 Mrs. Sherman

Helpful Websites and Other Information

ConnectED: Please use the ConnectEd website to help your child with his or her reading. This site has the student book available as well as a video and interactive games that will be helpful. The website to log on to is: http://connected.mcgraw-hill.com/connected/login.do See the instructions attached below in the documents section.

Think Central: Please use the Think Central website to help your child with their math. This site has the student book available to view, as well as destination math and mega math. These programs review the skills taught in class. The website to log on to is: www.thinkcentral.com See the instructions attached below in the documents section.

Spelling City: Spelling City is a fun way for your child to practice spelling words. The website to log on to is: https://www.spellingcity.com/users/JBrownTVCS There is also a Spelling City app available for your devices.

Accelerated Reader Program (AR): The Accelerated Reader (AR) program is a computer program that provides teachers and children with a fun and exciting way to boost reading skills. This program also serves as an assessment tool that allows me to monitor both the quantity and quality of reading practice that your child is engaged in. In my classroom we use Accelerated Reader in order to help students improve reading comprehension as well as to help them develop a love for reading. Accelerated Reader is an independent reading program based on the principle that practice improves reading. To view your child's progress in the AR (Accelerated Reader) program you can visit the website listed below. It is easy to get signed up and use this great service. You will receive emails to your personal email address when you child has tested. It is a valuable tool to use keeping in touch with your child's progress. Please take advantage of this resource offered to you. We will be racking up AR points so that we can earn as many AR points as possible. Goals will be set each 9 weeks and monitored weekly. 80% accuracy is the comprehension expectation. Let's Get Reading!!!


Xtra Math: XtraMath is a great way for your child to practice flashcards with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts.


Classroom Wish List and P.I. Opportunities

Check out our Classroom Wish List!


Small water bottles

Dixie cups or other small cups

P.I. Opportunities

Buffalo P.R.I.D.E. Meetings

Items from the Wishlist (Be sure to turn in your receipts.)

