3rd Grade
At-Home Learning

Click on the buttons to get some extra motivation today!

3rd Grade Summer Activities (2).pdf

Third Grade Scholars-
Welcome to our resource page full of learning ideas for you all. We are hoping that this helps you find fun and meaningful options while we are out of school.

Remember Everyday:
1. Daily Questions on Google Classroom
2. Read any announcements on Google Classroom from your teacher
3. Check weekly work by clicking on the tabs above or looking at the weekly/daily schedule below (ELA, Math, Science and S. Studies)
4. If you are finished your work for the day or need a Brain Break check out the resources page or the "Then Do's" in the ELA, Math, Writing, Science and S. Studies tabs
5. Try your best to have a positive attitude and make it a good day!

We miss you all and wish that you all stay safe and healthy!

The Third Grade Teachers

Below-Weekly Checklist, Daily Checklist, Password Sheet, Mc Graw Hill Directions (scroll down on the document)

McGraw Hill Directions