đź„´ is for Educational Resources (LPQ)

For Families

For families of students with special needs at home

The Office of Special Education's North Country Partnership Team invites you to join them for 6 weeks of problem solving and discussion for families schooling their children at home during the shut-down.

You can participate in any single session or all 6. Please register for each one you would like to attend. Sessions begin on May 21st.

Please CLICK HERE to open PDF for details.

Staying Safe with Trooper Jenn


Online Safety

with Trooper Jenn

Prevent Cyberbullying

with Trooper Jennifer Fleishman

More Free Resources

Free Online Events and Activities for Kids (of all ages) at Home
Noteorious is VirtuLessons' free online music game that helps you learn and practice your musical notes.

Vocabulary Spelling City: free access for the next 3 months to help students and teachers, with the code VSCFree90.
Creativity Explorations


Mrs. Alicia Tucker from L.P. Quinn is available to help you if you have questions or need assistance. Here are the ways you can contact her:

Email: aliciat@tupperlakecsd.net

Phone: (518) 359-2981 Ext: 2130

ClassDojo: If you already use ClassDojo, Mrs. Tucker can be messaged via the app. If you use the Remind App, you can reach Mrs. Tucker @rainbowlab.

If the email link does not work properly for you when you click on it, you can copy-paste the email address into the "TO" box of whichever email service you use.


A message from Mrs. Retzloff:
I highly recommend the Pre-K program. We just started using this at school and the kids LOVED it! (Please stick to just this program because they will learn about the other programs and set up accounts when they get to Kindergarten.)


Q: Where do I go to get my assignments?

A: Always start with Clever, then find your teacher's page.

Clever Button
Noteorious is VirtuLessons' free online music game that helps you learn and practice your musical notes.

1st Grade

Q: Where do I go to get my assignments?

A: Always start with Clever, then find your teacher's page.

Clever Button
Noteorious is VirtuLessons' free online music game that helps you learn and practice your musical notes.

2nd Grade

Q: Where do I go to get my assignments?

A: Always start with Clever, then find your teacher's page.

Clever Button
Noteorious is VirtuLessons' free online music game that helps you learn and practice your musical notes.

3rd Grade

Q: Where do I go to get my assignments?

A: Always start with Clever, then find your teacher's page.

Clever Button
Noteorious is VirtuLessons' free online music game that helps you learn and practice your musical notes.

4th Grade

Q: Where do I go to get my assignments?

A: Always start with Clever, then find your teacher's page.

Clever Button
Noteorious is VirtuLessons' free online music game that helps you learn and practice your musical notes.

5th Grade

Q: Where do I go to get my assignments?

A: Always start with Clever, then find your teacher's page.

Clever Button
Noteorious is VirtuLessons' free online music game that helps you learn and practice your musical notes.

6th Grade

Q: Where do I go to get my assignments?

A: Always start with Clever, then find your teacher's page.

Clever Button
Noteorious is VirtuLessons' free online music game that helps you learn and practice your musical notes.

Other Educational Resources